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Ontologia marginal

"Marginal Ontology" delves deeply into the realities of social exclusion, dehumanization, and the precariousness of marginalized communities. The man depicted is chained to a piece of unstable land, symbolizing the lack of access to a solid foundation or fundamental rights. His head, replaced by a mountain of favelas, reflects how the collective identity of many is reduced to mere survival in neglected and stigmatized spaces. The faces embedded within the mountain represent individual voices and stories lost in the anonymity of structural poverty.

The presence of a heart monitor connected to a voting graph suggests a dependence on the political system for survival, while the hand holding a distant key emphasizes the inaccessibility of real solutions or liberation. The kite in the background, once again a symbol of freedom, appears out of reach, representing an unattainable ideal. This artwork critically portrays the alienation and ongoing struggles of communities that, despite oppression, maintain a resilient presence, though constrained by the social context surrounding them.

This composition serves as a visual denunciation of inequality and systemic neglect, provoking the viewer to confront the inhumane conditions defining the lives of millions and reflect on the cost of marginalization to human dignity.




India ink and acrylic paint on Canson


21 x 29,7 cm

Code: #


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